things that there is more of a demand for.
It doesn’t matter what type of product you are selling; this strategy works
with everything, including intellectual content which are websites and
companies that do not sell a product but capitalize on information. For
example, a blogger may like to post about camping. They realize that their
posts on gardening and homesteading are getting much more attention lately.
Topics trend and lose steam and using page insights to determine the ebb and
flow of trends can be used to your advantage. It may not be feasible to
continue writing about the same topics if the interest isn’t there. While many
people create blogs for the fun of connecting and sharing information if you
are a professional blogger who uses a website as a money-making venture,
keeping up with trends is valuable. Since Facebook and other social media
sites are used exclusively to draw attention to these sites, gaining insight from
the demographics information can be a priceless marketing tool.
Don’t be afraid to ask your followers what they want. You can certainly rely
on your stats and page likes to form marketing plans, but sometimes it is
beneficial to be straightforward and ask your followers outright what they are
looking for. This is beneficial for a number of reasons. First, you get the
marketing information you are after. Second, it gives your customers the
opportunity to voice their opinion and shows that your business cares and
caters to the needs of its customers.
Promote your product showing its benefits and see how people respond. In
your post, tell people you are considering carrying the product, and tell them
you are trying to find out how to better meet their needs. Remember, most
people relate better to a business that has a true human element, and most try
to support local businesses when possible. Big box businesses have focus
groups to tell them what products to carry. Small, local businesses have their
target audience, so utilize it. Show them that you care about their opinion,
and they will notice.
Try creating a simple post asking a question. Try to be specific, as the vaguer
you are about the information you are requesting, the less useful the feedback
will be. For example, if your business sells bicycles, ask what kind of things
followers would like to learn more about. While that is sort of vague, include