Develop Series
There is nothing that can improve your watch time like having videos that
people will want to binge watch. Series playlists are the best way for you to
create a great binge-watching experience for your audience, but in order to
create them, you need to have uploaded videos as a series.
Your series can be developed based on the type of videos that has performed
well; however, it is best to have more than one series, each of them covering
a specific topic. For instance, if you have testimonial and explainer videos,
create two series for each of the two topics, but also, use a different style for
the thumbnails as well. That way your viewers can easily know what the
video is about just by taking a quick look at the thumbnail image.
Using videos as a series means that if a viewer clicks on the video, YouTube
will automatically have your next video to be Up Next at the top of the list of
recommendations. The next video will automatically play after the current
one is over unless the viewer has turned off their AutoPlay option.
In order for you to turn a playlist into a series playlist, open ‘Video Manager.'
Go to ‘Playlists' and click on the edit button found on the right of the playlist
that you wish to change. Finally, click on ‘Playlist Settings' à ‘set as Official
Series for This Playlist.'