although that's real countless crooks and other craftsmen use it and exploit it.
Each batch has bad apples and the industry has enough share. But it can be
good if you can find the right thing market. And there are a few simple
concepts that are essential to your success to optimize your performance.
The only business models that support all three important, yet misunderstood
concepts are network marketing, MLM, and multinational marketing: Unlike
franchising companies or traditional companies, passive resident revenue and
geometrical growth.
And the combination of all three of these elements offers a balance and an
outstanding opportunity for success with the business model of network
marketing. Yes, a very good company that I know has incorporated a planned
synergy in its business model.
Whether you are a franchise or a traditional company, both take time and
money and special skills to be successful. Even the comparatively small
amount, which usually takes years to decompose.
On the other hand, with "Get Rich Fast to Do Nothing" increasing popularity
and constant hunting, many people are all passionate about friends, partners,
connections and co-op ventures. Furthermore, very few of the thousands of
people sponsored have a real chance for most people involved to make large
One perfect example is an email recently received from one of those services
that claimed to be "the best." We celebrated the cost "over $400,000 a month
in fees!" and "now grew to over 650,000 affiliates!" Let's see... If they are
false... If they are true... If they're right if they're wrong... You pay $.61 per'
unit ' affiliate... This is $60 1! Yes! Yeah! Yeah! Wow! How would you like
to retire?!
In their letter, they then state that some earn $10,000 a month. If so, most of
them must do nothing to create an average of 60 cents each.
There is a far easier way to realize your dreams!
Take the time to consider the three main PASSIVE RESIDUAL
INCOME-LEVERAGE-GEOMETRIC growth principles Now... Then...
See THREE QUESTIONS SIMPLE! So, you can explain what you do to