Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Instead, spend your time working with those who are and helping them get
set up with everything they need.

Be Patient & Persevere
At first, you might not get a lot of sales and your team might not grow as
rapidly as you think it will. While some people seem to effortlessly grow
their business right out of the gate, this isn’t the case for everyone. The best
way to ensure steady business growth is to steadily work at your business.
Take your time, trust the process, and persevere until you get the results you
are looking for!

Have A Team-Based Mindset

A major part of succeeding in network marketing is having a team. Your
upline and downline are equally important in your own slice of the company.
Your upline are the mentors who will train you and teach you to succeed, so
it is important to find ones who embody the type of success you wish to
achieve in your own company. Then, your downline is important because
they are a part of the system that will help you level up, and the more you
help them level up, the higher you level. Because of this, it is important that
you really learn the mindset of your upline and practice being a great leader
for your own downline. Having a team-based mindset will help you grow
because people will be more attracted to work with you, and your team will
be much more likely to succeed. You should always be focused on
networking with your own team, as well as new potential team members.

Believe in Your Company, Your Products, and Yourself
You absolutely have to believe in everything you’re doing. If you don’t
believe in your company or your products, you are going to have a hard time
standing behind them and promoting them to others. Likewise, if you don’t
believe in yourself, you are not going to believe that you are capable of
making a successful company and in return you won’t. It is very important
that you choose a company you believe in, and that you believe in the
products you are using, too. You don’t necessarily have to love every single

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