Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Your Network Marketing Strategy

When you begin network marketing, you are going to contact your friends
and family. You will do so, even if they live in different states. You know
they will be willing to buy from you once if it is a product they use, just to
help you get started. You will also tag your coworkers to tell them you are
selling certain products and bring your catalog to work with you. These are
beginning methods, and some coworkers may buy for their family, friends, or
selves. A few may think of you when they want products and host a party for
the free gift. It is all great, but you can also put more effort into sales using
social media marketing that may increase your sales without keeping up the
high energy you start off using in network marketing.

Your ultimate goal is to gain a client list. To get a client list you need to
speak to people in person and through social media platforms where they
often spend their time. The following social media platforms will work for
you in different ways. Each will be assessed for how they can work for you
and how to set up your account. At the end, a little will be explained about
paying for a website as well as using social media.


Whether you like to admit it or not, Facebook is where the people are at.
Some people have shied away from Facebook, but they still have accounts
and cannot bring themselves to delete their account because it keeps them in
the loop. Pictures, blurbs, and updates continue, and we want to know what is
happening. It may take some people three months to look at their
notifications, while others are on every hour to see what might have changed.
Mobile devices are largely responsible for this “need” to check in and see
what is happening. For network marketers, it is your greatest advantage.

You can keep in touch with your clients and establish new clients using

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