Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

found themselves falling into civil strife, both sides quite often would then
perish. By mirroring the neural activity of those involved in the storytelling,
the sense of community grew. Neural coupling was added to this to allow
those involved to connect the stories they heard to what they experienced,
and this allowed the tribe as a whole to benefit and share the learning and
wisdom beyond just the initial story itself.

In many ways, our brains aren’t fit for the digital age. They are most
comfortable in the past. But as marketers, we can use the storytelling focus of
the past to find massive success in the present. By creating stories that teach,
inspire, and promote a sense of closeness between our brands and our readers
(or our customers and our readers), we tap into the power of our evolutionary
past and unlock the unlimited potential of StorySelling.

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