MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
However, in 'error' mode, when the queue is nonempty, the timer calls the function
that you specify using the ErrorFcn property, and then stops processing. The currently
running callback function completes, but the callback in the queue does not execute.

For example, modify mytimer.m (described in the previous section) so that it includes an
error handling function and sets BusyMode to 'error'.

function mytimer()
t = timer;

t.Period = 1;
t.ExecutionMode = 'fixedRate';
t.TimerFcn = @mytimer_cb;
t.ErrorFcn = @myerror;
t.BusyMode = 'error';
t.TasksToExecute = 5;
t.UserData = tic;


function mytimer_cb(h,~)
timeStart = toc(h.UserData)
timeEnd = toc(h.UserData)

function myerror(h,~)
disp('Reached the error function')

This table describes how the timer manages the execution queue.

Elapsed Time


0 Start the first execution of the callback.
1 Attempt to start the second execution of the callback. The first
execution is not complete, but the execution queue is empty. The
timer adds the callback to the queue.

27 Program Scheduling

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