MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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Entities Missing or Out of Order in info.xml

If you do not list required XML elements in the prescribed order, you receive an XML
validation error:

Often, errors result from incorrect ordering of XML tags. Correct the error by updating
the info.xml file contents to follow the guidelines in the MATLAB help documentation.

For a description of the elements you need in an info.xml file and their required
ordering, see “Create info.xml File” on page 30-29.

Unrelated info.xml File

Suppose that you have a file named info.xml that has nothing to do with custom
documentation. Because this info.xml file is an unrelated file, if it causes an error, you
can safely ignore it. To prevent the error message from reoccurring, rename the
unrelated info.xml file. Alternatively, ensure that the file is not on the search path or in
the current folder.

Syntax Errors in the info.xml File.

Use the error message to isolate the problem or use any XML schema validator. For more
information about the structure of the info.xml file, consult its schema at

Outdated info.xml File for a MathWorks Product

If you have an info.xml file from a different version of MATLAB, that file could contain
constructs that are not valid with your version. To identify an info.xml file from another
version, look at the full path names reported in the error message. The path usually
includes a version number, for example, ...\MATLAB\R14.... In this situation, the
error is not actually causing any problems, so you can safely ignore the error message. To
ensure that the error does not reoccur, remove the offending info.xml file. Alternatively,
remove the outdated info.xml file from the search path and out of the current folder.

See Also

Related Examples

  • “Display Custom Examples” on page 30-37

  • “Create and Share Toolboxes” on page 25-13

See Also
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