Manage Project Files
This table shows how to add, move, rename, and open project files and folders. Some of
these actions can also lead to automatic updates that affect other files. All can be undone
and redone.
Action Procedure
View project files. In the Files view, click Project to display only the files
and folders that are included in the project.
View all files in a project folder.To display all files and folders in the project folder, in
the Files view, click All.
You might not want to include all files in your project.
For example, you might want to exclude SVN or CVS
source control folders. For more information, see “Work
with Derived Files in Projects” on page 31-59.
Create a new project folder. In the Files view, right-click in white space, and then
click New > Folder.
Add files to a project.
On the Project tab, in the File section, click Add
Files. Select from the list of unmanaged files in the
project folder.
You also can paste or drag files and folders from your
operating system file browser or the Current Folder
browser to the project Files view. When you drag a file
to the Files view, MATLAB adds the file to the project.
To add a file programmatically, use the addFile and
addFolderIncludingChildFiles functions. For
example, to add a file named myfile.m to the proj
project object, type addFile(proj,'myfile.m');.
Remove project files or folders.In the Files view, right-click the file, and then select
Remove from Project.
To remove a file programmatically, use the removeFile
Move project files or folders. Cut and paste or drag the files in the project.
31 Projects