MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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referenced project closes, MATLAB removes the project path from the search path and
runs specified shutdown files. MATLAB loads referenced projects before their parent
projects. This allows the parent project to access the referenced project in startup and
shutdown files.

To remove a referenced project from your project hierarchy, in the References tree,
right-click the referenced project and select Remove Reference.

View, Edit, or Run Referenced Project Files

If you have a project that references other projects, you can view, modify, or run the files
that belong to the referenced projects directly from the parent project.

To view a referenced project, in the parent project, select the References view. In the
References tree, select a referenced project.

To display the referenced project files, at the top right of the References view, click


To modify or run a file, right-click the file and select from the list of available options.

Extract Folder to Create a Referenced Project

You can extract an existing folder in a project to create a referenced project. After
extracting a folder, file and folder contents and shortcuts in the referenced project remain
accessible from the parent project.

To extract a folder from a project and convert the folder into a referenced project:

1 In the Files view, right-click the folder and select Extract to Referenced Project.
The Extract Folder to New Project dialog box opens.

(^2) Specify a project name and location
(^3) In the Referenced type field, select either Relative or Absolute. Select Relative if
you specify the new project location with reference to the current project root. Select
Absolute if you specify the full path for the new location, which is, for example, on a
network drive
(^4) To disable any of the default content migration actions, click More Options and clear
the corresponding check boxes.
31 Projects

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