MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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Explore an Example Project

This example uses the Times Table App example project to explore how project tools can
help you organize your work.

Using the Times Table App example, we will explore how to:

(^1) Set up and browse some example project files under source control.
2 Examine project shortcuts to access frequently used files and tasks.
(^3) Analyze dependencies in the project and locate required files that are not yet in the
(^4) Modify some project files, find and review modified files, compare them to an earlier
version, and commit modified files to source control.
(^5) Explore views of project files only, modified files, and all files under the project root
Setup the Example Files
Create a working copy of the TimesTableApp example project files and open the project.
MATLAB® copies the files to an examples folder so that you can edit them. The project
puts the files under Git™ source control.
View, Search, and Sort Project Files
You can view, search, and sort project files by using the Files view.
To view the files in the project, in the Files view, click Project (number of files).
When the view is selected, only the files in your project are shown.
To see all the files in your project folder, click All. This view shows all the files that are
under the project root, not just the files that are in the project. As a result, this view is
useful for adding files to the project.
To view files as a list instead of a tree, in the Layout field at the top right of the Files
view, select Tree.
There are several ways to find files and folders in projects:
Explore an Example Project

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