chr =
' NORMEST Estimate the matrix 2-norm.
Merely searching for non-vowels ([^aeiou]) does not return the expected answer, as the
output includes capital letters, space characters, and punctuation:
c = regexp(chr,'[^aeiou]','match')
c =
1×43 cell array
Columns 1 through 14
{' '} {'N'} {'O'} {'R'} {'M'} {'E'} {'S'} {'T'} {' '} {'E'} {'s'} {'t'} {'m'} {'t'}
Columns 15 through 28
{' '} {'t'} {'h'} {' '} {'m'} {'t'} {'r'} {'x'} {' '} {'2'} {'-'} {'n'} {'r'} {'m'}
Columns 29 through 42
{'.'} {'↵'} {' '} {' '} {' '} {' '} {'N'} {'O'} {'R'} {'M'} {'E'} {'S'} {'T'} {'('}
Column 43
Try this again, using a lookahead operator to create the following AND condition:
(lowercase letter) AND (not a vowel)
This time, the result is correct:
c = regexp(chr,'(?=[a-z])[^aeiou]','match')
c =
1×13 cell array
{'s'} {'t'} {'m'} {'t'} {'t'} {'h'} {'m'} {'t'} {'r'} {'x'} {'n'} {'r'} {'m'}
Note that when using a lookahead operator to perform an AND, you need to place the
match expression expr after the test expression test:
Lookahead Assertions in Regular Expressions