To manually register a file in a repository as binary, use the following command with
command-line SVN:
svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream binaryfilename
Standard Repository Structure
Create your repository with the standard tags, trunk, and branches folders, and check
out files from trunk. The Subversion project recommends this structure. See the Web
If you use MATLAB to create an SVN repository, it creates the standard repository
structure. To enable tagging, the repository must have the standard trunk/ and tags/
folders. After you create a repository with this structure, you can click Tag in the Source
Control context menu to add tags to all of your files. For more information, see “Tag
Versions of Files” on page 32-21.
Tag Versions of Files
With SVN, you can use tags to identify specific revisions of all files. To use tags with SVN,
you need the standard folder structure in your repository and you need to check out your
files from trunk. See “Standard Repository Structure” on page 32-21.
(^1) Right-click in the Current Folder browser, and select Source Control > Tag.
(^2) Specify the tag text and click Submit. The tag is added to every file in the folder.
Errors appear if you do not have a tags folder in your repository.
NoteYou can retrieve a tagged version of your files from source control, but you cannot
tag them again with a new tag. You must check out from trunk to create new tags.
Enforce Locking Files Before Editing
To require that users remember to get a lock on files before editing, configure SVN to
make files with specified extensions read only. When your files are read only, you need to
select Right-click in the Current Folder browser, and select Source Control > Get File
Lock before you can edit them. This setting prevents editing of files without getting the
Set Up SVN Source Control