MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

When you use Git in MATLAB, you can:

  • Create local Git repositories.

  • Pull and fetch files from remote Git repositories.

  • Create and switch branches.

  • Merge branches locally.

  • Commit locally.

  • Push files to remote Git repositories.

This diagram represents the distributed Git workflow.

Install Command-Line Git Client

If you want to use Git to merge branches in MATLAB, you must also install a command-
line Git client that is available systemwide. You can use other Git functionality without any
additional installation.

Some clients are not available systemwide, including the mingw32 environment provided
by GitHub (Git Shell on the Start menu). Installing command-line Git makes it available
systemwide, and then MATLAB can locate standard ssh keys.

Set Up Git Source Control
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