ans =
4×1 cell array
{'TestClean/classCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)' }
{'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=commandLineData#ext)' }
Running TestClean
Done TestClean
Create another data set that is stored in an ASCII-delimited file.
B = rand(3);
B(2,4) = 0;
clear B
Create a parameter with the stored data set and A.
newData = struct('commandLineData',A,'storedData',dlmread('myFile.dat'));
param2 = Parameter.fromData('Data',newData);
suite3 = TestSuite.fromClass(?TestClean,'ExternalParameters',param2);
To run the tests using parameters defined in the test file and externally, concatenate test
suites. View the suite element names and run the tests.
suite = [suite1 suite3];
results =;
ans =
16×1 cell array
{'TestClean/classCheck(Data=clean)' }
{'TestClean/classCheck(Data=needsCleaning)' }
{'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=clean)' }
{'TestClean/sortCheck(Data=needsCleaning)' }
33 Unit Testing