MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

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Plugin to Generate Custom Test Output Format

This example shows how to create a plugin that uses a custom format to write finalized
test results to an output stream.

Create Plugin

In a file in your working folder, create a class, ExampleCustomPlugin, that inherits from
the matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin class. In the plugin class:

  • Define a Stream property on the plugin that stores the OutputStream instance. By
    default, the plugin writes to standard output.

  • Override the default runTestSuite method of TestRunnerPlugin to output text
    that indicates the test runner is running a new test session. This information is
    especially useful if you are writing to a single log file, as it allows you to differentiate
    the test runs.

  • Override the default reportFinalizedResult method of TestRunnerPlugin to
    write finalized test results to the output stream. You can modify the print method to
    output the test results in a format that works for your test logs or continuous
    integration system.

classdef ExampleCustomPlugin < matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin
properties (Access=private)

function p = ExampleCustomPlugin(stream)
if ~nargin
stream = matlab.unittest.plugins.ToStandardOutput;
p.Stream = stream;

methods (Access=protected)
function runTestSuite(plugin,pluginData)
plugin.Stream.print('\n--- NEW TEST SESSION at %s ---\n',...

33 Unit Testing

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