Analyze Test Case Results
This example shows how to analyze the information returned by a test runner created
from the SolverTest test case.
Create Quadratic Solver Function
Create the following function that solves roots of the quadratic equation in a file,
quadraticSolver.m, in your working folder.
type quadraticSolver.m
function roots = quadraticSolver(a, b, c)
% quadraticSolver returns solutions to the
% quadratic equation a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.
if ~isa(a,'numeric') || ~isa(b,'numeric') || ~isa(c,'numeric')
error('quadraticSolver:InputMustBeNumeric', ...
'Coefficients must be numeric.');
roots(1) = (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a);
roots(2) = (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / (2*a);
Create Test for Quadratic Solver Function
Create the following test class in a file, SolverTest.m, in your working folder.
type SolverTest.m
classdef SolverTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
% SolverTest tests solutions to the quadratic equation
% a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0
methods (Test)
function testRealSolution(testCase)
actSolution = quadraticSolver(1,-3,2);
expSolution = [2,1];
function testImaginarySolution(testCase)
actSolution = quadraticSolver(1,2,10);
33 Unit Testing