MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Represent Text with String Arrays

You also can store text in string arrays. Each element of a string array stores a 1-by-n
character vector.

Starting in R2017a, you can create strings using double quotes. MATLAB® displays
strings with double quotes.

str = "Welcome, friend"

str =
"Welcome, friend"

As an alternative, you can convert a character vector to a string using the string

chr = 'Hello, world';
str = string(chr)

str =
"Hello, world"

str is a 1-by-1 string, or string scalar. To find the number of characters in a string, use
the strlength function.

whos str

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

str 1x1 174 string


ans = 12

You can store multiple pieces of text in a string array. Each element of the array can
contain a string of a different size.

str = ["Mercury","Gemini","Apollo";...
"Skylab","Skylab B","ISS"]

str = 2x3 string array
"Mercury" "Gemini" "Apollo"
"Skylab" "Skylab B" "ISS"

Represent Text with Character and String Arrays
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