'oii4' 5 'yes' 5 5
'wnk3' 245 'yes' 245 245
'abk6' 563 '' 563 563
'pnj5' 463 'no' 463 463
'wnn3' 6 'no' 6 6
'oks9' 23 'yes' 23 23
'wba3' NaN 'yes' NaN 14
'pkn4' 2 'no' 2 2
'adw3' 22 'no' 22 22
'poj2' NaN 'yes' NaN NaN
'bas8' 23 'no' 23 23
'gry5' NaN 'yes' NaN 21
standardizeMissing replaces three instances of -99 with NaN.
Create a new table, T2, and replace missing values with values from previous rows of the
table. fillmissing provides a number of ways to fill in missing values.
T2 = fillmissing(T,'previous');
______ ____ _____ ____ ____
'afe1' 3 'yes' 3 3
'egh3' 3 'no' 7 7
'wth4' 3 'yes' 3 3
'atn2' 23 'no' 23 23
'arg1' 5 'yes' 5 5
'jre3' 34.6 'yes' 34.6 34.6
'wen9' 234 'yes' 234 234
'ple2' 2 'no' 2 2
'dbo8' 5 'no' 5 5
'oii4' 5 'yes' 5 5
'wnk3' 245 'yes' 245 245
'abk6' 563 'yes' 563 563
'pnj5' 463 'no' 463 463
'wnn3' 6 'no' 6 6
'oks9' 23 'yes' 23 23
'wba3' 23 'yes' 23 14
'pkn4' 2 'no' 2 2
'adw3' 22 'no' 22 22
'poj2' 22 'yes' 22 22
'bas8' 23 'no' 23 23
'gry5' 23 'yes' 23 21
9 Tables