MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Remove Properties

You can remove any or all of the custom properties of a table using the rmprop function.
However, you cannot use it to remove predefined properties from T.Properties,
because those properties are part of the definition of the table data type.

Remove the OutputFileName and OutputFileType custom properties. Display the
remaining table properties.

T = rmprop(T,{'OutputFileName','OutputFileType'});

ans =
TimetableProperties with properties:

Description: ''
UserData: []
DimensionNames: {'OutageTime' 'Variables'}
VariableNames: {'RestorationTime' 'Loss' 'Cause' 'Region'}
VariableDescriptions: {}
VariableUnits: {}
VariableContinuity: []
RowTimes: [1468x1 datetime]
StartTime: 2002-02-01 12:18
SampleRate: NaN
TimeStep: NaN

Custom Properties (access using t.Properties.CustomProperties.):
ToPlot: [1 1 0 0]

See Also

addprop | head | movevars | readtable | rmprop | sortrows | stackedplot | table
| table2timetable

Related Examples

  • “Modify Units, Descriptions, and Table Variable Names” on page 9-34

  • “Access Data in a Table” on page 9-44

  • “Add, Delete, and Rearrange Table Variables” on page 9-18

See Also
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