2015-11-15 04:53:11 36 80
Load the timetable with weather measurements. Display the first five rows of outdoors.
load outdoors
ans=5×4 timetable
Time Humidity TemperatureF PressureHg
2015-11-15 00:00:24 49 51.3 29.61
2015-11-15 01:30:24 48.9 51.5 29.61
2015-11-15 03:00:24 48.9 51.5 29.61
2015-11-15 04:30:24 48.8 51.5 29.61
2015-11-15 06:00:24 48.7 51.5 29.6
Synchronize Timetables
The timetables, indoors and outdoors, contain different measurements taken inside
and outside a building at different times. Combine all the data into one timetable with the
synchronize function.
tt = synchronize(indoors,outdoors);
ans=5×6 timetable
Time Humidity_indoors AirQuality Humidity_outdoors TemperatureF PressureHg
2015-11-15 00:00:24 36 80 49 51.3 29.61
2015-11-15 01:13:35 36 80 NaN NaN NaN
2015-11-15 01:30:24 NaN NaN 48.9 51.5 29.61
2015-11-15 02:26:47 37 79 NaN NaN NaN
2015-11-15 03:00:24 NaN NaN 48.9 51.5 29.61
The output timetable, tt contains all the times from both timetables. synchronize puts
a missing data indicator where there are no data values to place in tt. When both input
timetables have a variable with the same name, such as Humidity, synchronize
renames both variables and adds both to the output timetable.
Create Timetables