MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
04-May-2017 60 44 0.2 Hail 995
05-May-2017 62 45 0 None 1003
06-May-2017 60 43.333 0 <undefined> 1013
07-May-2017 58 41.667 0 <undefined> 1018
08-May-2017 56 40 0 None 1006
09-May-2017 59 42 0.15 Thunder NaN
10-May-2017 60 45 0 None NaN

To indicate that Station2.Pressure contains continuous data, specify the
VariableContinuity property of Station2. Though Station2 contains only one
variable, you must specify VariableContinuity using a cell array, not a character

Station2.Properties.VariableContinuity = {'continuous'};

ans =
TimetableProperties with properties:

Description: ''
UserData: []
DimensionNames: {'Date' 'Variables'}
VariableNames: {'Pressure'}
VariableDescriptions: {}
VariableUnits: {}
VariableContinuity: continuous
RowTimes: [5x1 datetime]
StartTime: 04-May-2017
SampleRate: NaN
TimeStep: 1d
CustomProperties: No custom properties are set.
Use addprop and rmprop to modify CustomProperties.

Synchronize the data from the two stations. synchronize fills in values in
BothStations.Pressure because Station2.Pressure has continuous data.

BothStations = synchronize(Station1,Station2)

BothStations=7×6 timetable
Date Tmax Tmin PrecipTotal WXEvent Pressure
___________ ____ ______ ___________ ___________ ________

10 Timetables

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