MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Max 2042-09-18 23:31
NumMissing 29

Cause: 1468x1 categorical


attack 294
earthquake 2
energy emergency 188
equipment fault 156
fire 25
severe storm 338
thunder storm 201
unknown 24
wind 95
winter storm 145

Access the row times. The row times are not in a variable. Instead, the vector of row
times is a property of the timetable. However, you can access the row times with dot
syntax. TT.OutageTime is a 1468-by-1 vector of datetime values. Display the first five
rows of TT.OutageTime.


ans = 5x1 datetime array
2002-02-01 12:18
2003-01-23 00:49
2003-02-07 21:15
2004-04-06 05:44
2002-03-16 06:18

Subscript on Time Range

To select all timetable rows that fall in a time range, create a subscript as a helper, using
the timerange function. The start and end times you specify do not have to match any of
the row times in the timetable.

Select all rows with outages that occurred between January 2002 and December 2003.
Display the first five rows of TT2.

TR = timerange('2002-01-01','2003-12-31');
TT2 = TT(TR,:);

10 Timetables

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