MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Description of Map Class

A Map is actually an object, or instance, of a MATLAB class called Map. It is also a handle
object and, as such, it behaves like any other MATLAB handle object. This section gives a
brief overview of the Map class. For more details, see the containers.Map reference

Properties of Map Class

All objects of the Map class have three properties. You cannot write directly to any of
these properties; you can change them only by means of the methods of the Map class.

Property Description Default
Count Unsigned 64-bit integer that represents the total number of
key/value pairs contained in the Map object.


KeyType Character vector that indicates the type of all keys
contained in the Map object. KeyType can be any of the
following: double, single, char, and signed or unsigned
32-bit or 64-bit integer. If you attempt to add keys of an
unsupported type, int8 for example, MATLAB makes them


ValueType Character vector that indicates the type of values contained
in the Map object. If the values in a Map are all scalar
numbers of the same type, ValueType is set to that type. If
the values are all character arrays, ValueType is 'char'.
Otherwise, ValueType is 'any'.


To examine one of these properties, follow the name of the Map object with a dot and
then the property name. For example, to see what type of keys are used in Map mapObj,


A Map is a handle object. As such, if you make a copy of the object, MATLAB does not
create a new Map; it creates a new handle for the existing Map that you specify. If you
alter the Map's contents in reference to this new handle, MATLAB applies the changes
you make to the original Map as well. You can, however, delete the new handle without
affecting the original Map.

14 Map Containers

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