MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Symbol Symbol Name Role Description Examples

; Semicolon

  • Signify end of row

  • Suppress output of code line

Use semicolons to separate rows in an array creation command, or to suppress the output display of
a line of code.

  • vertcat

Separate rows to create an array:

A = [12,13; 14,15]

Suppress code output:

Y = max(A);

Separate multiple commands on a single line (suppressing output):

A = 12.5; B = 42.7, C = 1.25;
B =

( ) Parentheses

  • Operator precedence

  • Function argument enclosure

  • Indexing

Use parentheses to specify precedence of operations, enclose function input arguments, and index
into an array.

  • “Operator Precedence” on page 2-29

  • “Array Indexing”

Precedence of operations:

(A.*(B./C)) - D

Function argument enclosure:

C = union(A,B)



MATLAB Operators and Special Characters
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