MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Goal Steps Additional Information

Reopen file

Reopen a recently used file.

At the bottom of the Open drop-down
list, select a file under Recent Files.

To change the number of files

on the list, click
Preferences, and then select
MATLAB and Editor/
Debugger. Under Most
recently used file list,
change the value for Number
of entries.

Reopen files at startup

At startup, automatically
open the files that were
open when the previous
MATLAB session ended.

On the Home tab, in the Environment

section, click Preferences and
select MATLAB and Editor/Debugger.
Then, select On restart reopen files
from previous MATLAB session.

Open file displaying in
another tool

Open a file name displaying
in another MATLAB desktop
tool or Microsoft tool.

Drag the file from the other tool into the

For example, drag files from
the Current Folder browser or
from Windows Explorer.

Open file using a

Use the edit or open function. For example, type the
following to open

edit collatz.m

If collatz.m is not on the
search path or in the current
folder, use the relative or
absolute path for the file.

For special considerations on the Macintosh platform, see “Navigating Within the
MATLAB Root Folder on Macintosh Platforms”.

Some options for opening files are not available in MATLAB Online.

Save Files

Open and Save Files in the Editor
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