Click a link in this column to open the MATLAB file listed in the same row, and go to
the first reference to the called function. For instance, suppose your Dependency
Report appears as shown in the previous image. Clicking \images\images\erode.m
opens chirpy.m and places the cursor at the first line that references erode. In other
words, it does not open erode.m.
- Multiple class methods
Because the report is a static analysis, it cannot determine run-time data types and,
therefore, cannot identify the particular class methods required by a file. If multiple
class methods match a referenced method, the Dependency Report inserts a question
mark link next to the file name. The question mark appears in the following image.
Click the question mark link to list the class methods with the specified name that
MATLAB might use. MATLAB lists almost all the method files on the search path that
match the specified method file (in this case, freqresp.m). Do not be concerned if the
list includes methods of classes and MATLAB built-in functions that are unfamiliar to
It is not necessary for you to determine which file MATLAB will use. MATLAB
determines which method to use depending on the object that the program calls at run
25 Programming Utilities