MATLAB Programming Fundamentals - MathWorks

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Package a
Dialog Box


with this code:

mysoftwarelocation = mytoolbox.getInstallationLocation('mysoftware')

To enable testing of the toolbox on your computer before packaging
the toolbox, click the toolboxname
\getInstallationLocation.mlx link at the bottom of the
Installation of Additional Software section and enter the
installed location of each additional piece of software on your


MATLAB uses the information in the Toolbox Portability section
when the user installs the toolbox. If the compatibility check fails
because the user has an unsupported platform or MATLAB version,
MATLAB displays a warning. However, the user still can install the
Platform Compatibility—List of platforms that support the toolbox.
Consider if your toolbox has third-party software or hardware
requirements that are platform specific. MATLAB Online cannot
interact with hardware, including devices used for image
acquisition and instrument control.
Release Compatibility—List of MATLAB releases that support the
Products—List of MathWorks products required by your toolbox.
Create this list manually.

Create and Share Toolboxes
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