Alternative Power Systems 135
inlets, or in the ocean. The plants could be manufactured on land and then
transported to the area where they would be used. The electrical power
produced by the plant could be distributed by underwater cables to the
shore. The power lines could then be connected to onshore overhead pow-
er-transmission lines. The floating nuclear power plants could be mass-pro-
duced, unlike conventional nuclear plants which are individually built.
Floating nuclear plants could have advantages over other power sys-
tems. There are obvious ecological benefits. A plant located on the ocean
would have less thermal effect on the water due to heat dissipation over a
large body of water. Also, these units would not require the use of land for
locating power plants. They would be flexible, since they could be located
on rivers, inlets, or oceans.
This discussion is included to stimulate thought about potential “al-
ternative” systems for producing electrical power. Each of the systems dis-
cussed have potential problems; however, serious experimentation must
be conducted to assure that electrical power can be produced economi-
cally. Our technology is dependent upon low-cost electrical power.
Another alternative system being considered as a potential method
of producing electrical power is biomass. Biomass sources of energy for
possible use as fuel sources for electrical power plants are wood, animal
wastes, garbage, food processing wastes, grass, and kelp from the ocean.
Many countries in the world use biomass sources as primary energy sourc-
es. In fact, the United States used some of the biomass sources of energy
almost exclusively for many years. The potential amount of energy which
could be produced in the United States by biomass sources is substantial at
this time also. There are still several questions about using biomass sourc-
es of energy for producing electrical; however, as fossil fuels become less
abundant, biomass sources may receive more active consideration.