Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

218 Electrical Power Systems Technology

Sample Problem:
Given: a transformer circuit has a power output of 2.5 kW and a
power input of 2,550 W.
Find: the efficiency of the transformer.

2,500 W
% Eff = ———— × 100
2,550 W

% Eff = 98%

The losses that reduce efficiency, in addition to flux leakage, are cop-
per and iron losses. Copper loss is the I^2 R loss of the windings, while iron
losses are those caused by the metallic core material. The insulated lami-
nations of the iron core help to reduce iron losses.

Figure 8-9. Types of iron-core transformers: (A) Closed-core type, (B) Shellcore

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