Electrical Power Systems Technology

(Elle) #1

Single-phase and Three-phase Distribution Systems 261

number of wires required. These systems, shown in Figure 10-4, are the
three-phase three-wire system, the three-phase three-wire system with neu-
tral, and the three-phase four-wire system. The primary winding connection
is not considered here. The three-phase three-wire system, shown in Fig-
ure 10-4A, can be
used to supply
motor loads of
240 volts or 480
volts. Its major
disadvantage is
that it only sup-
plies one volt-
age, as only three
hot lines are sup-
plied to the load.
The usual insu-
lation color code
for these three
hot lines is black,
red, or blue, as
specified in the
The disadvan-
tage of the three-
phase three-wire
system may be
partially over-
come by add-

Figure 10-4. In-
dustrial power
distribution sys-
tems: (A) Three-
phase, three-wire
system, (B) Three-
phase, three-wire
system with neu-
tral, (C) Three-
phase, four-wire
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