Control Devices 455
lead determines when the device switches from its off to on state. An SCR
will usually not go into conduction by simply for-ward biasing the anode
and cathode. The gate must be forward biased at the same time. When
these conditions occur, the SCR becomes conductive. The internal resis-
tance of a conductive SCR is less than 1 Ω. Its reverse or off-state resistance
is generally in excess of 1 MΩ. This allows the device to be similar to a me-
chanical switch.
A schematic symbol and the crystal structure of an SCR are shown
in Figure 17-2. Note that the device has a PNPN structure from anode to
cathode. Three distinct P-N junctions are formed. When the anode is made
positive and the cathode negative, junctions 1 and 3 are forward biased.
J 2 is reverse biased. Reversing the polarity of the source alters this condi-
tion. J 1 and J 3 would be reverse biased and J 2 would be forward biased
and would not permit conduction. Conduction will occur only when the
anode, cathode, and gate are all forward biased at the same time.
Some representative SCRs are shown in Figure 17-3. A few of the
more popular packages are shown here. As a general rule, the anode is
connected to the largest electrode if there is a difference in their physical
size. The gate is usually smaller than the other electrodes. Only a small
gate current is needed to achieve control. In some packages, the SCR sym-
bol is used for lead identification.
To turn off a conductive SCR, it is necessary to momentarily remove
or reduce the anode-cathode voltage. The device will then remain in this
state until the anode, cathode, and gate are forward biased again. With
Figure 17-2. SCR crystal: (a) symbol; (b) structure