Power Measurement Equipment 61
Many meters employ an analog movement called the d’Arsonval, or
moving-coil, type. The basic operational principle of this type of movement
is shown in Figure 3-2. The pointer or needle of the movement remains
stationary on the left portion of the calibrated scale until a current flows
through the electromagnetic coil that is centrally located within a perma-
nent magnetic field. When current flows through the coil, a reaction be-
tween the electromagnetic field of the coil and the stationary, permanent
magnetic field develops. This reaction causes the hand (pointer) to deflect
toward the right portion of the scale. This basic moving-coil meter move-
ment operates on the same principle as an electric motor. It may be used
for either single-function meters, which measure only one quantity, or for
Figure 3-1. Moving-coil meter movement for analog meters (Courtesy Triplett