Power Measurement Equipment 71
Sample Problem:
Given: an industry uses 5000 kW peak power and 3880 kW average
power over a 24-hour period.
Find: the industry’s demand factor over the 24-hour period.
Peak Power
Demand = ——————
Avg. Power
= ————
Demand = 1.31
This ratio is important since it indicates the amount above the aver-
age power consumption that a utility company must supply to an industry.
Power demand is usually calculated over a 15-, 30-, or 60-minute interval,
and then converted into figures that represent longer periods of time.
Industries may be penalized by a utility company if their peak power
demand far exceeds their average demand. Power-demand monitors help in-
dustries to better utilize their electrical power. A high peak demand means
that the equipment for an industrial power-distribution system must be
rated higher. The closer that the peak demand approaches the value of
the average demand, the more efficient the industrial power system is in
terms of power utilization.
Another power measurement that is very important is frequency.
The frequency of the power source must remain stable, or the operation of
many types of equipment can be affected. Frequency refers to the number
Figure 3-9. Schematic diagram of a
power factor meter circuit