Electrical Power Production Systems 87
tate a turbine. The turbine shaft is connected directly to the electrical gener-
ator and provides the necessary mechanical energy to rotate the generator.
The generator then converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are used to supply heat, by means of chemical reactions,
for many different purposes. Such fuels contain carbon materials that are
burned as a result of their reaction with oxygen. These fossil fuels are used
as a direct source of heat when burned in a furnace, and are used as a heat
source for steam production when used in a power plant boiler system.
The steam that is generated is used for rotating the steam turbines in the
power plants.
Fossil fuels vary according to (1) their natural state (solid, liquid, or
gas), (2) their ability to produce heat, and (3) the type of flame or heat that
they produce. Coal and coke are solid fossil fuels, and coal is used exten-
sively for producing heat to support electrical power production. Oil, gas-
Figure 4-1. A basic fossil fuel power system