To travel here is to encounter men wear

(coco) #1






the stamina for exploration, you could take MRAUK U (MYOHAUNG)
any path for DIY adventures.

For many, this area is the pick of the litter
for Mrauk U, with all sites within walking
distance. There are a couple of food stalls
and a gift shop below Shittaung.

The usual starting point is at Mrauk U’s
most complex temple, the Shittaung (Sit-
taung in Burmese); if you’ve not paid it al-
ready, the $5 zone fee is collected here (see
boxed text, p 279 ). You’ll also be asked for a
‘donation’ of K3000 to cover the interior il-
lumination of this temple, Andaw Paya and
Dukkanthein Paya.
King Minbin, the most powerful of Ra-
khaing’s kings, built Shittaung in 1535. It’s
a frenzy of stupas of various sizes; some 26
surround a central stupa. Shittaung means
‘Shrine of the 80,000 Images’, a reference to
the number of holy images inside (the actual
tally is more like 84,000, though some have
since been stolen). Thick walls, with windows
and nooks, surround the two-tiered structure.

Outside the temple
Beside the southwest entrance stairway, and
inside a locked mint-green building, is the
much-studied Shittaung Pillar, a 10ft sand-
stone obelisk brought here from Wethali by
King Minbin. Considered the ‘oldest history
book in Myanmar’ (by the Rakhaing at least),
three of the obelisk’s four sides are inscribed
in faded Sanskrit. The east-facing side likely
dates from the end of the 5th century. The
western face displays a list dating from the
8th century, outlining Rakhaing kings from
638 BC to AD 729 (King Anandacandra).
Lying on its back next to the pillar is a
cracked, 12ft-long sandstone slab featuring
an engraved lotus fl ower (a Buddhist mo-
tif ) growing from a wavy line of water and
touching an intricately engraved dhamma-
cakka (Pali for ‘Wheel of the Law’).
Along the outer walls, several reliefs can
be seen engraved (some are hard to reach); a
few on the south side are rather pornographic.

Inside the temple
Inside the temple’s prayer hall you’ll see sev-
eral doors ahead. Two lead to passageways
that encircle the main buddha image in the
cave hall (which is seen straight ahead).

Mrauk U (Myohaung)
æTop Sights 15 Mrauk U Princess Hotel .........................A3
Andaw Paya ............................................ B1 16 Nawarat Hotel ........................................B2
Bandoola Kyaung .................................. C3 17 Prince Hotel ............................................D2
Dukkanthein Paya .................................. B1 18 Royal City Guest House .........................B3
Kothaung Paya ...................................... D2 19 Shwe Thazin Hotel .................................B2
Mahabodhi Shwegu................................C1 20 Vesali Resort Hotel ................................D2
Shittaung Paya ....................................... B1 21 Waddy Htut Guest House......................B2

æSights úEating
1 Haridaung Paya ..................................... B2 22 For You ....................................................B2
2 Laksaykan Gate ..................................... C3 23 Hay Mar...................................................B3
3 Laungbanpyauk Paya.............................B1 24 Moe Cherry .............................................C2
4 Laymyetnha Paya................................... B1
5 Palace Museum ..................................... B2 þShopping
6 Peisi Daung Paya ................................... D2 25 L'amitie Art Gallery ................................ B1
7 Phraouk Paya......................................... D2
8 Pitaka Taik............................................... B1 ïInformation
9 Ratanabon Paya ..................................... C1 26 Dr Aye Maung Zan..................................B3
10 Ratanamanaung .................................... C2
11 Sakyamanaung Paya............................. C2 ïTransport
12 Shittaung Pillar ....................................... B1 27 Bicycle Rental Shop ...............................B3
13 Shwetaung Paya.................................... C2 28 Horse Cart Stand ...................................C2
29 Jeep Stand ..............................................B2
ÿSleeping 30 Jetty ........................................................B3
14 Golden Star Guest House ..................... B2
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