To travel here is to encounter men wear

(coco) #1







breakfast and dinner, and it’s the town’s only
hotel with an internet connection.

Vesali Resort Hotel HOTEL $$
(%24200, ext 50008, in Yangon 01-526 593;
[email protected]; s/d $40/45) Though
removed from the bulk of the temples and
town, the Vesali’s 18 snazzy bungalows off er
dark-wood fl oors, vaulted bamboo ceilings,
mosquito nets, private decks and modern
bathrooms. Rooms come with battery-pow-
ered lamps. There’s an inviting restaurant
up front along with gardens, and behind is a
path up to Shwetaung Paya.

Royal City Guest House HOTEL $$
(%24200, ext 50257; http://www.newpalacehotelsittwe.
com/royal-city.htm; Minbar Gyi Rd, r s/d $15/20,
bungalow s/d $25/30; a) This place is conve-
niently located on the road between the jetty
and the market, but skip the cell-like rooms
in the main building in favour of the smart,
new brick bungalow-style rooms across the
road. The air con comes on only from 6pm
to 11pm but it claims to have 24 hour hot

Nawarat Hotel HOTEL $$
(%24200, ext 50077, in Yangon 01-578 786; s $40-
50, d $50-60; a) Off ering all-night electricity,
the Nawarat’s 30-room motel-style complex,
a short walk from the (out of sight) Shit-
taung Paya, suff ers a bit in atmosphere.
The walled-off compound consists of boxy
bungalow rooms with air-con, satellite TVs
and glow-in-the-dark stars on some ceilings.
Identical, cheaper rooms get power 6pm to
6am only.

Golden Star Guest House GUESTHOUSE $
(%24200, ext 50175, 09 850 1664; 116 Min Bar Gree
Rd; per person $5-15) Across from a small res-
ervoir, is Mrauk U’s best cheap deal, with
little Rakhaing-style fi gurines and private
cold-water bathrooms in most of the 13 ba-
sic rooms. The English-speaking manager is
very helpful, sometimes adding a free lunch
for long stayers. Two ‘traditional house’
rooms out the back look out into a palm for-
est (these are $15).

Prince Hotel GUESTHOUSE $
(%24200, ext 50174, in Yangon 09 501 9114; http://www.; r $15 & 25) Half a mile
southeast of the market, this leafy complex
of nine bungalows sits below a hill in a leafy
garden. The rustic bungalows are a bit aged
for the price, but the family who run it are
extremely hospitable, and the wife is an

excellent cook. They can also arrange good
trips to the Chin villages.

Waddy Htut Guest House GUESTHOUSE $
(%24200, ext 50240; r $5-30) This modern-
style two-fl oor house has an OK mix of op-
tions – basic rooms with shared bath ($5),
a well-lit ‘family room’ with sofa, a few
beds and a balcony ($30, but negotiable).
Rates don’t include breakfast but there’s
a teahouse next door and the market is
around the corner.

 5 Eating
There are a few local restaurants facing the
market to the west of the Mrauk U market,
serving basic Chinese food. The Gamone
Phyu restaurant at Mrauk U Princess Hotel
and the one at the Vesali Resort Hotel are
both very good and open to nonguests.

(%24200, ext 50177; dishes K1000-2000, beer
K1500) This friendly, traveller-focused, two-
storey restaurant, east of the palace walls,
serves a few meals and what’s on off er
changes nightly. There’s a deliciously Rakha-
ing edge to the chicken curry, prawn and
vegie dishes (caulifl ower’s the best). They’re
open ‘anytime: this is our home’ and the res-
taurant also arranges area tours.

(dishes K1000) Two blocks north of the mar-
ket (via the road from the jetty), this plain,
concrete-fl oor restaurant is based at the
ground level of a traditional wood house.
It serves good noodles (with an egg on top)
and cans of Myanmar beer.

Hay Mar BAMAR $
(dishes K1000) This simple teahouse beside
the main jetty is a good spot to watch the
comings and goings on the river while tuck-
ing into simple dishes, such as fried rice,
chicken and vegetables. The owner, Aung
Zan is the local Mr Fix-it – off ering boat
rides back to Sittwe (from $20 per person)
and Chin Village trips (K50,000).

 7 Shopping
Stalls outside the Shittaung Paya sell some
souvenirs. Aung Zan at Hay Mar teahouse
can also guide you to a weaver in the vil-
lage – a short walk or bike ride south of the
jetty – who has attractive textile pieces for
sale (K2500 to K15,000).
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