College Physics

(backadmin) #1
rainbow, 921
range, 107 , 115
range of radiation, 1116 , 1141
rate of conductive heat transfer, 485 , 497
rate of decay, 1131 , 1141
ray, 888 , 921
Ray tracing, 906
Rayleigh criterion, 970 , 989
RC circuit, 765
real image, 908 , 921
reflected light is completely polarized, 981
reflected light that is completely polarized, 989
refraction, 891 , 921
relative biological effectiveness, 1154
relative biological effectiveness (RBE), 1175
relative humidity, 460 , 464
relative osmotic pressure, 421 , 422
relative velocities, 112
relative velocity, 115
relativistic Doppler effects, 1023 , 1021
Relativistic kinetic energy, 1018
relativistic kinetic energy, 1022
Relativistic momentum, 1014
relativistic momentum, 1022
relativistic velocity addition, 1010 , 1022
Relativity, 18
relativity, 31 , 112 , 115 , 998 , 1022
Renewable forms of energy, 251
renewable forms of energy, 254
resistance, 703 , 725 , 736 , 765
resistivity, 705 , 725
resistor, 736 , 761 , 765
resonance, 571 , 582
resonant, 865 , 880
resonant frequency, 846 , 850
resonate, 571 , 582
Rest energy, 1015
rest energy, 1022
rest mass, 1014 , 1022
restoring force, 552 , 582
resultant, 90 , 115
resultant vector, 89 , 115
retinex, 949
retinex theory of color vision, 939 , 949
retinexes, 939
reverse dialysis, 421 , 422
Reverse osmosis, 421
reverse osmosis, 422
reversible process, 518 , 542
Reynolds number, 416 , 422
right hand rule 1, 782
right hand rule 1 (RHR-1), 802
right hand rule 2, 795
right hand rule 2 (RHR-2), 802
right-hand rule, 346 , 349
RLC circuit, 880
rms current, 713 , 725
rms voltage, 713 , 725
rods and cones, 937 , 949
roentgen equivalent man, 1154
roentgen equivalent man (rem), 1175
rotation angle, 190 , 214
rotational inertia, 328 , 349
rotational kinetic energy, 331 , 349
Rydberg constant, 1072 , 1077 , 1103


saturation, 460 , 464
scalar, 38 , 76 , 94 , 115 , 670 , 689
Schwarzschild radius, 1220 , 1231
scientific method, 16 , 31
scintillators, 1118 , 1141
screening, 646 , 655

second, 19 , 31
second law of motion, 264 , 283
second law of thermodynamics, 520 , 521 , 524 ,
second law of thermodynamics stated in terms
of entropy, 543
second postulate of special relativity, 999 , 1022
Self-inductance, 837
self-inductance, 850
semipermeable, 420 , 422 , 720 , 725
series, 736 , 765
shear deformation, 180 , 183
shell, 1098 , 1103
shielding, 1156 , 1175
shock hazard, 716 , 725 , 832 , 851
short circuit, 716 , 725
shunt resistance, 756 , 765
SI unit of torque, 295
SI units, 19 , 31
SI units of torque, 311
sievert, 1154 , 1175
significant figures, 27 , 31
simple circuit, 703 , 725
Simple Harmonic Motion, 557
simple harmonic motion, 582
simple harmonic oscillator, 557 , 582
simple pendulum, 561 , 582
simplified theory of color vision, 937 , 949
single-photon-emission computed tomography
(SPECT), 1175
single-photon-emission computed
tomography(SPECT), 1152
slope, 69 , 76
solenoid, 796 , 802
Solid-state radiation detectors, 1119
solid-state radiation detectors, 1141
sonic boom, 603 , 622
sound, 592 , 622
sound intensity level, 598 , 622
sound pressure level, 600 , 622
south magnetic pole, 776 , 802
space quantization, 1091 , 1103
special relativity, 1022
special relativity., 998
specific gravity, 376 , 391
specific heat, 474 , 497
speed of light, 880
spin projection quantum number, 1095 , 1103
spin quantum number, 1095 , 1103
spontaneous symmetry breaking, 1218 , 1231
stable equilibrium, 297 , 311
Standard Model, 1202
standard model, 1205
standing wave, 577 , 865 , 880
static electricity, 630 , 655
static equilibrium, 292 , 300 , 311
static friction, 166 , 183
statistical analysis, 540 , 543
Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation, 494 , 497
step-down transformer, 830 , 851
step-up transformer, 830 , 851
Stimulated emission, 1084
stimulated emission, 1103
Stokes’ law, 174 , 183
strain, 180 , 183
strange, 1195 , 1205
strangeness, 1193 , 1205
stress, 180 , 183
sublimation, 458 , 464 , 497
Sublimation, 482
subshell, 1098 , 1103
Superconductors, 1227 , 1231
supercriticality, 1169 , 1175

superforce, 1218 , 1231
superposition, 575 , 582
Superstring theory, 1203 , 1223 , 1231
superstring theory, 1205
surface tension, 380 , 391
synchrotron, 1187 , 1205
synchrotron radiation, 1188 , 1205
system, 128 , 156
systolic pressure, 371 , 391
Systolic pressure, 387


tagged, 1150 , 1175
tail, 89 , 115
tangential acceleration, 321 , 349
tau family number, 1205
Television, 869
Temperature, 432
temperature, 464
temperature coefficient of resistivity, 707 , 725
tensile strength, 177 , 183
tension, 139 , 156
terminal speed, 417 , 422
terminal voltage, 746 , 765
tesla, 782 , 802
test charge , 641 , 655
the second law of thermodynamics stated in
terms of entropy, 534
theory, 15 , 31
theory of quark confinement, 1200 , 1205
therapeutic ratio, 1159 , 1175
thermal agitation, 871 , 880
thermal conductivity, 485 , 497
thermal energy, 238 , 242 , 254 , 452 , 464
thermal equilibrium, 437 , 464
thermal expansion, 438 , 464
thermal hazard, 716 , 725 , 832 , 851
Thermal stress, 442
thermal stress, 464
thin film interference, 974 , 989
thin lens, 906
thin lens equations, 909
thought experiment, 1218 , 1231
three-wire system, 832 , 851
thrust, 134 , 156 , 156
timbre, 611 , 622
time, 39 , 76
Time dilation, 1001
time dilation, 1022
TOE epoch, 1218 , 1231
tone, 611 , 622
top, 1200 , 1205
Torque, 294
torque, 311 , 328 , 349
Total energy , 1015
total energy, 1022
total internal reflection, 895
trajectory, 101 , 115
transformer, 851
transformer equation, 830 , 851
Transformers, 828
transverse wave, 574 , 582 , 865 , 880
triple point, 458 , 464
Tunneling, 1139
tunneling, 1141
turbulence, 409 , 422
TV, 880
twin paradox, 1022


ultra high frequency, 869
ultra-high frequency (UHF), 880
ultracentrifuge, 195 , 214

1268 INDEX

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