UA requires more aggressive treatment than stable angina, and is similar to
treatment for NSTEMI:
Goals of care (ED core measures) from time of arrival to ED (see Table 2.5)
■ ASA given on arrival (unless contraindicated)
■ ECG interpreted by physician within 10 minutes
■ Door to needle (if fibrinolytics utilized) <30 minutes
■ Activation of catheterization team <30 minutes anddoor to catheteri-
zation time <90 minutes
■ β-Blockers within 24 hours
■ O 2
■ May reduce the area of ischemia
■ Uncertain benefit in the literature, but easy and safe (even in the COPD
■ Aspirin
■ Antiplatelet agent—irreversibly inhibits platelet cyclooxygenase activity,
thereby inhibiting the formation of thromboxane A 2
■ Onset of action is minutes.
■ ↓Long-term mortality (to the same degree as thrombolytics!)
■ Use with caution with active peptic ulcer disease (consider rectal
■ Clopidogrel (Plavix) or ticlodipine (Ticlid)
■ Antiplatelet agent—irreversibly inhibits platelet aggregation via adeno-
sine diphosphate receptor antagonism
■ Onset of action is hours.
■ Indicated in patients with aspirin allergy
■ Do not use in patients who may require a surgical intervention (CABG)
within the next 5 days.
■ Nitroglycerin
■ Sublingual X 3, then IV if symptoms persist
■ Dilates coronary arteries and relaxes vascular smooth muscle, resulting
in decreased preload/afterload and decreased myocardial O 2 demand
TABLE 2.5. ED Core Measures for ACS (From Time-of-Arrival to ED)
ASA on arrival
ECG interpreted within 10 min
■Door to needle (fibrinolytics) <30 min
■activation of catheter team <30 min
■door to catheterization <90 min
βBlockers within 24 h
Aspirin is the most cost-
effective treatment available
for patients with ACS. It
independently reduces
mortality of patients with MI.
In patients who present to the
ED with chest pain, the ECG
should be interpreted by the
physician within 10 minutes
of patient’s arrival.