
(Barré) #1


■ Supportive care
■ Passive and active cooling measures, as needed
■ Intravenous hydration
■ Muscle paralysis may be necessary for heat control.
■ Benzodiazepines: For sedation, hyperthermia, tachycardia, seizures, mus-
cular rigidity
■ Sodium bicarbonate: For wide complex dysrhythmias
■ Cocaine chest pain
■ Benzodiazepines
■ Aspirin
■ Nitroglycerin (phentolamine if no response)
■ Avoid
■ β-Blockers due to concern for unopposed α-receptor stimulation

■ Numerous, including dysrhythmias, MI, ischemic bowel, CNS bleed,
rabdoymyolysis, and IDU-related complications


This is a large class of structurally related drugs. Medical indications include
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, narcolepsy, and weight loss.

■ Methamphetamine (“crank, ice”) synthesized from ephedrine; readily
absorbed from oral, parenteral, and inhalational routes
■ 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “ectasy, E”)
■ Ephedrine/ma-huang found in over the counter preparations, Chinese
herbal preparations, and legal stimulants; less potent than other ampheta-
mines alone


■ ↑Release of neurotransmitters (primarily norepinepherine and dopamine)
from presynaptic nerve terminals.
■ 5-HT 2 agonism and D 2 antagonism →hallucinations.

■ Similar to cocaine, but duration of action is considerably longer and may
last >24 hours
■ Na+channel blockade does notoccur.

■ Usually clear from history and exam
■ Urine screens are available in most hospitals
■ The results may be positive 2–3 days beyond period of toxicity.
■ Many drugs may cross react.

■ As with cocaine toxicity above

Wide complex dysrhythmia
during cocaine intoxication is
due to sodium-channel
blockade and should be
treated with sodium

Specific anticonvulsant
medications, such as
phenytoin, are not indicated
for toxicologic seizures.
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