
(Barré) #1


■ Altered perception of reality (including pain perception) without loss of
■ CNS effects
■ AMS, hallucinations (lower doses)
■ Coma, seizures (higher doses)
■ Tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia
■ Nystagmus (vertical or rotatory)
■ Increased secretions
■ Muscular rigidity

■ Supportive care
■ Aggressive cooling for hyperthermia
■ Sedation to control agitation and hyperthermia
■ Place patient in a quiet room with minimal stimulation.
■ Evaluate for concomitant injuries/infections.

■ PCP derivative with similar presentation and management
■ “K-hole”: Overdose/adverse reaction consisting of severe hallucinations,
dysphoria, vomiting, and catatonia

■ Opioidwith a chemical structure similar to PCP
■ Acts at the same σreceptor as PCP
■ May cross react on PCP urine toxicology screens
■ Less respiratory depression compared to other opioids
■ May precipitate serotonin syndrome


The only FDA-approved use is for treatment of cataplexy. It is used illicitly by
body-builders, within the rave culture, and in sexual assault.

■ Structurally resembles gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and readily
crosses the blood-brain barrier

■ Primarily CNS
■ Euphoria, drowsiness (low doses)
■ Sedation with amnesia (moderate doses)
■ Coma (high doses)
■ Hallmark is coma with episodes of marked agitation on stimulation.
■ Bradycardia, hypothermia, respiratory depression (high doses)
■ Variable neuromuscular activity: Hypotonia, myoclonus, seizures
■ Patients will characteristically awake spontaneously within a few hours after
ingestion and rapidly return to baseline.

Sedation with marked
agitation on stimulation?
Think GHB intoxication.

The duration of GHB coma is
typically short (2–8 hours).
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