
(Barré) #1


A 2-year-old girl is brought in to the ED by her parents following sus-
pected ingestion of rat poison containing difenacoum 1 hour earlier. She
has no past medical history, is acting normally, and the physical exami-
nation is unremarkable. What workup and intervention should be con-
sidered at this time?
Nothing at this time. It is very unlikely that the labs will be abnormal and
very rare to have clinically significant bleeding after a one-time unintentional
ingestion. A conservative approach is to have follow-up coagulation studies done
daily for 2–3 days.


Most home rodenticide products contain a superwarfarin such as brodifa-
coum. Symptoms occur 1–2 days following ingestion.

■ Superwarfarins act similarly to warfarin by inhibiting production of vita-
min K dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X); however, the duration of
anticoagulation may extend for weeks.

■ Symptoms are due to bleeding (brain, GI, vaginal, etc.).
■ Onset of symptoms is 1–2 days following ingestion.

■ PT/INR measurement can determine the extent of anticoagualation from

■ Vitamin K supplementation for elevated INR. Large ingestions may
require high doses for prolonged periods of time.
■ Prophylactic vitamin K (prior to elevation of INR) is notindicated (dura-
tion of action of superwarfarin is much longer than that of vitamin K).
■ Acute bleeding requires FFP or cryoprecipitate to reverse anticoagulation.


A rodenticide with significant human toxicity, its use in home products has
largely been supplanted by the superwarfarins.

■ Inhibits glycine receptors within the spinal cord →uncontrolled muscular

■ Strychnine poisoning produces rapid onset involuntary muscle contrac-
tions, opsithotonus, hyperreflexia, clonus, and trismus. Mental status is not

Duration of anticoagulation
following superwarfarin
ingestion may extend for

Generalized, uncontrolled
muscular activity with normal
mental status is suggestive of
strychnine poisoning.
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