
(Barré) #1


■ Infection caused by the traumatic inoculation of Sporothrix shenckii (a fungus)
■ Found on plants and in the soil (classically on rose thorns)

■ Incubation period: 1–10 weeks
■ One or more suppurating subcutaneous nodules
■ Normally progress proximally along lymphatic channels

■ ED=treat based on clinical suspicion
■ Definitive =biopsy/fungal culture

■ Itraconazole for 3–6 months
■ Disseminated: Amphotericin B
■ Unless disseminated, most can be treated as outpatient


Lyme Disease
■ The spirochete Borrelia burgdorfei
■ Ticks Ixodes scapularis(deer ticks) andIxodes pacificus
■ Nymph stage (1–2 mm) responsible for most transmission
■ Peak transmission in summer months
■ Endemic foci
■ Northeast Coast (Connecticut, Rhode Island)
■ Midwest (Wisconsin, Minnesota)
■ West Coast (California, Oregon)

■ >66% of people do not recall bite.
■ Early localized
■ ~1 week later
■ Flulike symptoms
■ Rash (90%)
■ Erythema migrans (migrans, because it grows)
■ Spreading redness with central clearing (“target lesion”) occurs at
site of bite (average 16 cm diameter). (See Figure 8.2.)
■ Early disseminated
■ Weeks to months after exposure
■ Large joint arthritis
■ Neurological
■ Cranial neuropathies (may mimic Bell palsy)
■ Meningitis
■ Radiculopathy (motor or sensory)
■ Carditis (~7%)
■ Typically AV blocks
■ Late
■ >1 year after exposure
■ Chronic arthritis
■ Peripheral neuropathy

Colorado tick fever is a tick-
borneself-limited viral
infectionthat requires only
symptomatic treatment.

The majority of people with
Lyme disease do not recall a
tick bite.

Target lesion differential:

  1. Lyme disease: Single lesion,
    increases in size, central

  2. Erythema multiforme
    syndrome): Multiple
    lesions with central blister
    or necrosis

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