
(Barré) #1



Bleeding disorder with normal
platelet count, PT, and PTT
suggests von Willebrand

■ FFP if bleeding predominates
■ Cryoprecipitate to replace fibrinogen
■ Platelet transfusion if <50,000/μL with active bleeding or if <10,000/μL
■ Vitamin K 10 mg parentally
■ Heparin if thrombosis fibrin deposition predominates or if purpura fulmi-
nans is present

Von Willebrand Disease

This is the most common hereditary bleeding disorder. The von Willebrand
factor facilitates adherence of platelets to injured blood vessels and also stabi-
lizes factor VIII in plasma.

There are three forms of vWF characterized by their quantitative or qualita-
tive defects:
■ Type I, the most common form, has a partial decrease in vWF.
■ Type II has dysfunctional vWF.
■ Type III has almost no vWF.

■ Epistaxis, gingival bleeding, menorrhagia, GI bleeding

■ aPTT may be normal or prolonged, normal platelet count, normal PT,
increased bleeding time
■ Abnormal assay of vWF activity, vWF antigen, or factor VIII coagulant (C)

■ Desmopression (DDAVP)
■ Stimulates release of vWF (and factor VIII) stored in vascular endothe-
lial cells
■ Indicted for type I disease
■ Factor VIII concentrates with vWF (Humate-P, Koate HS)
■ Primary therapy for types II and III disease
■ Should be used in all cases of serious bleeding
■ Cryoprecipitate
■ Contains vWF, but carries risk of infectious disease transmission, there-
fore is only recommended when factor VIII concentrate with vWF are
not available

A 25-year-old hemophiliac weighing 70 kg presents with a head injury
and decreased mental status after a high speed MVC. What is the level of
factor (in %) that is desired in this patient?
This patient must be presumed to have intracranial hemorrhage and re-
quires 100% factor replacement. Based on a starting factor level of 0% and with
each unit/kg of factor VIII raising the plasma level by 2%, the number of units of
factor required is 3500 (0.5 U/kg ×70 kg ×100% increase needed).
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