
(Barré) #1



TABLE 11.6. Common Causes of Noninvasive Gastroenteritis


Viral gastroenteritis 11–72 hr; person-to-person, Norwalk and Rotavirus most Self-limiting; supportive care
fecal-oral, contaminated food common agents; nausea, with PO or IV hydration and
or water vomiting, and watery diarrhea; antiemetics
usually afebrile; may have
mild abdominal cramps
and myalgias

G. lamblia 1–4 wk; contaminated food or Backpackers, campers, the Metronidazole
water, person-to-person, elderly; also homosexual males,
fecal-oral persons in institutions; most
common intestinal parasite
in the U.S.; abdominal cramping,
bloating, flatus, malabsorptive
chronic diarrhea

Staphylococcus 1–6 hr; previously cooked Nausea, severe vomiting, Supportive care with IV
aureus food (ham, egg salad, potato diarrhea, mild abdominal fluids and symptomatic
salad) cramps; symptoms caused by treatment;
preformed entertoxins antibiotics ineffective

Bacillus cereus 1–6 hr; previously cooked Abrupt onset of nausea, Supportive care with IV
meats, fried rice, vegetables vomiting, and mild diarrhea; fluids and symptomatic
and dried fruits caused by preformed treatment;
enterotoxins antibiotics ineffective

Clostridium 8–24 hr; previously cooked Abdominal cramps, nausea, Supportive care with IV
perfringens or reheated meats and poultry minimal vomiting, and watery fluids and symptomatic
diarrhea; caused by enterotoxins treatment

Vibrio cholerae 11–72 hr; raw or Explosive rice-water diarrhea; Fluid resuscitation is critical;
undercooked seafood, vomiting, fever, abdominal ciprofloxacin, bactrim, or
fecal-oral, contaminated cramps, dehydration, lactic tetracycline may shorten the
water acidosis; enterotoxins are course of disease
formed before and after
bacterial colonization

Enterotoxigenic 11–72 hr; contaminated Traveler’s diarrhea; profuse Self-limiting; supportive care; if
Escherichia coli water watery diarrhea; caused by severe, ciprofloxacin

Antibiotic-associated Temporally associated with Mild severity without cramps, Withdrawal of
enteritis antibiotic use fever, or fecal leukocytes antibiotic
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