
(Barré) #1



Treatment is guided by the patient’s hemodynamic status, quantitative β-hCG,
and ultrasound findings.
■ Unstable patients: Two large-bore IV lines with rapid infusion of crys-
talloid and/or packed red blood cells should be given to maintain blood
pressure. OB/GYN should be consulted immediately (even before the
ultrasound) for emergent laparotomy in an unstable patient with a posi-
tive pregnancy test. Lab tests including blood count and type and cross
should be sent.
■ Stable patients with ectopic pregnancy: Definitive treatment is deter-
mined by the OB/GYN consultant but may consist of laparoscopy or med-
ical management with methotrexate.
■ Stable patients with indeterminate ultrasound: Patients with a low β-hCG
and indeterminate ultrasound may be discharged with return precautions
and follow-up in 2 days for repeat β-hCG level. Women with viable preg-
nancies should double their serum β-hCG in 48 hours. Patients with persis-
tent symptoms or whose β-hCG rises by <66% over 48 hours require further


The causes of first trimester bleeding include
■ Ectopic pregnancy: The most life-threatening cause of first trimester bleeding
(see “Ectopic Pregnancy”)
■ Spontaneous abortion
■ Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
■ Physiologic bleeding (implantation bleeding)
■ Cervical pathology (eg, cervicitis)

Spontaneous Abortion

Thirty percent of all pregnancies are complicated by first trimester bleeding.
About 50% of these will end in a spontaneous abortion.

Miscarriage occurs when a pregnancy ends spontaneously before the fetus has
reached 20 weeks or 500 g.

■ Threatened abortion: Abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding in the first 20 weeks
gestation, closed cervixon exam, no passage of fetal tissue by history or
exam. Fetal cardiac activity may be detected.
■ Inevitable abortion: Vaginal bleeding with open cervixbut no passage of
fetal products
■ Incomplete abortion: Incomplete passage of fetal parts, open cervix, pain,
and vaginal bleeding
■ Complete abortion: Complete passage of fetal parts and placenta, closed
cervix, uterus contracted
■ Septic abortion: Infection of the uterus during a miscarriage, usually due
toStaphylococcus aureus; fever, chills, purulent cervical discharge, and
uterine tenderness
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