
(Barré) #1



Alcoholism has a genetic
component: Close relatives of
alcoholics have four times
the riskof alcoholism.

Have you ever felt that
you should Cut down
on your drinking?
Have people ever
Annoyedyou by
criticizing your
Have you ever felt bad
orGuiltyabout your
Have you ever had a
drink first thing in the
morning to steady
your nerves or get rid
of a hangover? (Eye

■ Withdrawal:Signs and symptoms opposite of intoxication when drug is
■ Abuse:Social or medical problems that result from substance use (rela-
tionship problems, liver disease from alcohol use) but without presence of
■ Dependence
■ Physical dependence: Presence of toleranceor emergence of withdrawal
■ Psychological dependence: The cravingexperienced or drug-seeking

A 55-year-old man is brought in by EMS after being “found down” on the
street. There are no signs of trauma and there is a strong odor of alcohol
on his breath. What laboratory abnormalities are associated with heavy
alcohol use?
Increased GGT, increased MCV, AST > ALT, coagulopathy.


Alcohol use is very prevalent in society. Lifetime risk for the general popula-
tion is 15%.

Male sex, ages 25–34, psychiatric disorder(antisocial personality disorder,
mania, and schizophrenia), homelessness

The Medical Cost of Alcoholism
■ Alcoholics have a 10- to 15-year shorter life span.
■ Cardiac: Decreased occurrence of CAD, but increased risks of hyperten-
sion, dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias
■ Endocrine: Pancreatic insufficiency (glucose intolerance), increased ACTH,
glucocorticoid, or catecholamine release, decreased testosterone synthesis
(male hypogonadism)
■ Metabolic: Hyperlipidemia, hypoglycemia, gout, immune compromise,
electrolyte imbalance, vitamin deficiencies, coagulopathy
■ GI:Most common cause of liver failurein the United States and world-
wide from alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis; can also get gastritis, stomach
or duodenal ulcers, esophageal varices causing GI bleeds
■ Cancer: Increased risk of esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, and breast cancer
■ Neuro: Peripheral neuropathy, cognitive deficits, memory impairment,
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
■ Women: More prone to cirrhosis, and pregnant women have an increased
risk of IUGR and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)


Screening for Alcoholism

CAGE screening tool is an internationally recognized tool for identifying

Score<or= 1 →further assessment, or = > 2 →highly specific for alcohol

Standardized tests such as
CAGE have been found to
have higher sensitivity than
BAC, breath smell, patient self-
report, or patient complaint.
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