
(Barré) #1



TABLE 16.6. Anxiety Disorders (Continued)


Age of onset usually late
adolescence to mid-30s.

Phobic disorder Clinically significant Panic disorder, PTSD, GAD Same as for GAD CBT (exposure-response
anxiety provoked by prevention therapy),
exposure to a specific desensitization, SSRI,
feared object or short-acting benzodiazepines,
situation leading to β-blockers (eg, propanolol),
avoidance behavior anxiolytic agents
(eg, alprazolam)

Obsessive Repetitive thoughts Delusional disorder, Same as for GAD CBT (exposure-response
compulsive (obsessions) that schizophrenia, GAD. prevention therapy), SSRI,
disorder (OCD) cause marked anxiety clomipramine; higher
or distress and/or doses than those for
mannerisms depression usually required
(compulsions) that
serve to neutralize
and relieve anxiety
(but only temporarily)

Posttraumatic Reexperiencing an Depression, GAD, Same as for GAD CBT, individual/
stress disorder extremely traumatic adjustment disorder group therapy (especially
event accompanied (patients have stress, helpful), SSRI, sleep
by symptoms of anxiety, behavioral changes agents, long-acting
increased arousal, that are related to a specific benzodiazepines.
hypervigilance, and trigger but do not have
by avoidance of reexperiencing, avoidance,
stimuli associated and increased arousal).
with the trauma;
patients typically
have no history of
panic attacks.

A 15-year-old girl presents to the ED after seeing a friend hit by a car and
reports sudden paralysis of the left leg immediately after the incident. She
was not involved in the accident. Her neurologic exam is significant for no
voluntary movement of the left leg although sensation is intact. Upon motor
exam, she has a positive thigh adductor test (when the examiner places her
hands on the patient’s bilateral inner thighs and asks her to adduct against resis-
tance, both of legs adduct). What is her diagnosis?
Conversion disorder.

“La belle indifference”
(patient unconcerned about
condition) no longer
diagnostic of conversion
disorder but can be seen.

Somatoform Disorders

See Table 16.7.
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