
(Barré) #1
■ Osteoporosis and osteogenesis imperfecta increase fracture risk.
■ Fractured bone leads to extravasation of infused fluid (an absolute
■ Recent prior use of the same bone for IO infusion also leads to extravasation.
■ Needle insertion through cellulitis, infection, or burns

■ Can be placed in proximal tibia, distal tibia, distal femur, and in adults, the
■ Use sterile technique.
■ On the proximal tibia, the anteromedial surface is used, approximately
1 to 3 cm (two finger widths) below the tuberosity on the medial, flat sur-
face of the tibia. This location is far enough from the growth plate to pre-
vent damage. A needle is directed away from the joint space and rotary
motion is applied with pressure. The distance from the skin through the
cortex of the bone is rarely >1 cm in an infant or child (see Figure 19.7).
■ The distal tibia, a preferred site in adults, may also be used in children. The
site of needle insertion is the medial surface at the junction of the medial
malleolus and the shaft of the tibia, posterior to the greater saphenous vein.
■ The distal portion of the femur is occasionally used as an alternate site, but it
is more difficult to palpate bony landmarks. The needle should be inserted
2 to 3 cm above the external femoral condyles in the anterior midline.

■ Osteomyelitis, mediastinitis (especially in children)

■ Aspiration of blood and marrow contents confirms position. Many times,
particularly during cardiac arrest, blood aspiration is not possible.
■ The needle’s ability to stand upright without supportand infuse fluids that
flow easily without evidence of swelling or extravasation also confirms position


FIGURE 19.7. Insertion of intraosseous needle in the proximal tibia.

(Reproduced, with permission, from Morgan GE, Mikhail MS, Murray MJ. Clinical
Anesthesiology, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006:989.)
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