
(Barré) #1

■ Cardiac electromechanical dissociation
■ Hydronephrosis
■ Tendons, bursae, cartilage, synovium, synovial fluid, and bone
■ Fetus during routine and emergency prenatal care
■ Foreign bodies in soft tissues or eyes
■ To guide cannulation of vessels, aspirate fluid collections within cavities
(eg, pericardium, pleurae, bladder, or joints), and locate soft tissue foreign
bodies in the skin, soft tissues, or eyes
■ To mark the site for skin puncture or provide continuous real-time visual-
ization throughout a procedure


■ Lack of sonographic training and experience


■ Lower-frequency probes (3–7 MHz) are used for viewing deeper structures
but produce lower resolution images.
■ Higher-frequency probes (7–20 MHz) are used for viewing superficial
structures and provide higher resolution images.
■ The “gain” controls the amplification of the returning signal. High gain
will cause the image to appear white, low gain will produce dark images.
■ The depth gain control is a set of slide bars that allow you to set indi-
vidual gains (brightness) at different levels.
■ The “magnify” function causes the field to be magnified with the skin sur-
face remaining in the image.
■ The “zoom” function causes the boxed area of interest to be magnified.
Other portions of the image are cut.


■ Ultrasound is generally considered safe because it does not produce cancer-
causing ionizing radiation. However, prolonged ultrasound causes increased
inflammatory response and heats soft tissue.


■ Catheters, wires, and needles appear as brightly reflective structures within
fluid-filled anechoic spaces.
■ Arteries and veins appear as anechoic circular structures when viewed in
the transverse plane. Veins are easily compressed, arteries are less easily
compressed, and veins filled with clot are noncompressible.


Extensor Tendon Repairs


■ The optimal time for repair of tendons is within 24 hours of injury, but
tendons can be repaired up to 2 weeks later.
■ Zone 4:Area over the dorsal proximal phalanx between the metacarpo-
phalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints
■ Zone 5: Tendon (area over the MCP joint) caused by a clean, sharp object
rather than human bite. This area is also often referred to a hand surgeon.
■ Zone 6: Tendon (dorsal hand) injuries


Medical diagnostic ultrasound
uses sound between 3 and 20
MHz (10^6 times per second).
This is above the upper limit
for the human ear to hear
sound of 20 KHz (10^3 times
per second).

Use a low frequency probe to
see deep structures. For
example, a 3.5-MHz probe is
appropriate for a FAST exam.
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